Yes, it happened again. Lisa scored some Mariners tickets from work. It was a very joyous occasion when she called to inform me of this. Earlier today at work we had a drawing from those who have had perfect attendance in my training class, myself included. (I'm patting myself on the back right now.) The drawing was for tickets to see Kelly Clarkson on Sunday night. The girl who ended up winning wasn't even excited. She said she'd only go because she didn't have anything else planned. If I weren’t so ashamed, I would have asked (begged!) for them. I could have made myself look like a real sissy. "Please give me your tickets! I will pay you. I want nothing more than to see Kelly sing my's...ummm...Miss Independent. Promise me you'll never speak of this to anyone." (Italics indicate a hushed tone, so as to keep my secret from others.) Seriously, I was pretty happy to learn that I had something extra fun to do this weekend. (I feel a beating from Lisa coming soon....) Although the Mariners got spanked by the A's it was a good game. Not the best I've been to, but good. Tomorrow I'm headed down to see the parental units while Lisa and her mom pick out flowers, invitation cards, shoes and whatever else tickles their fancy. (Matt Cooke, I always think of you when I hear that word...fancy. It's just the way you say it!) Ya'll have a great weekend.
Thursday, August 24th
Wahoo! The Mariners beat the Yankees and Dad and Kimberly were there. Yep, they watched the whole thing 2nd row up in box seats to the right of home base. They were "only very" excited (as Aunt Kathy would say!!!!
Excellent, love it!
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