Commercial Break

This just cracked me up. You may be familiar with this already, but it is a definate must see.
A nice topping on a mashed potato world.
So earlier this week it was like a gozillian degrees. I was almost sure my flesh would melt off. What a pleasant feeling lying in a pool of sweat throughout the night. Ahhh... It's cooled down since Wednesday evening and I couldn't be happier.
I made it through the day! I've gotta' say, it felt oddly "normal" showing up at the Verizon Wireless campus this morning at 5:40am. My day went surprisingly well. Verizon is not only living up to my expectations, it's far exceeding them. There seems to be a good bunch (mostly) of people in my training class. The next seven to nine weeks ought to be interesting. It'll be a barrage of information. Tonight Lisa, her mom and I are meeting with a photographer for the wedding and reception. Hopefully it'll be a go. Take it easy ya'll.
I am now an official Washingtonian. I made the epic journey last night after work. What a weird feeling. I wasn't sure I should jump for joy or barf. Being the "non-enthusiastic" person I am, I did neither. It just felt better that way. I received a letter from Verizon Wireless yesterday informing me that my offer of employment was terminated. Fortunately, two people from the HR department called me this week saying they would see me next Thursday (my start date). I suppose when I get there they will say something like, "I love, I hate you!" Hopefully things level out. I'm considering pushing for a new slogan, "Verizon Wireless. We have massive mood swings." Kinda' catchy, eh? Well, I gotta' get going. Lisa and I have some serious wedding planning ahead of us today. See ya.