Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Non Communication

Well, I must say, it's been awhile since I've posted anything. Life has been happening at Super Speed! Some major changes are happening with me. I found out Monday night that I needed to be out of my current residence no later than the middle of next week. Aaaaahhhhh!! I'll be in Washington over Christmas and New Year's weekends with Lisa and my family, so moving then is out of the question. As stressed as I am, I have seen God in such an awesome way over the past two days. If I didn't believe in his power to act on my behalf before this I do now.
Over the next few months I'm not sure how much I'll be able to invest in this blog. So I'll apologize now for my lack of communication later. Thanks for coming here and "listening" to me. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Lata'

Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Latest

It's been awhile since I've posted anything. I suppose I warned you about this. Random my friends, random. Last week was relatively uneventful, hence nothing posted. I just got back from a great weekend in Washington. I was able to get off work early on Friday which was very nice. I went straight to Lisa's house to surprise her but no one was home. I had to blow the whole thing by calling her to find out where she had gone. She was with her family at their church office sorting stuff for the Angel Tree Ministry they head up. Got in on that for a few hours and went back to the ranch.
Saturday we went to a cool resturant called Ruby's Diner. It's a total fifties joint. I felt awkward in my modern day getup. After a few errands we went to Christy's house to babysit her. (Ha, ha...) She just had brain surgury and can't be left alone so we were "on watch". Had an awesome time with her. She, of course, shouldn't laugh, but our sarcastic humor got the best of us and had a real hoot of a time. (I'm borrowing the whole fifties thing.) After that Lisa and I went to the new Narnia movie. Great flick! It's not a must see on the big screen, but well worth the time and money.
This morning Lisa's brother and sister, Aaron and Amy, had a Christmas choir performance at their church that we went to. Very well done. Afterwards we had lunch at McD's with her brother and his wife. Good times... Then it was off to watch the Seahawks demolish the 49rs. I'm just excited to see them play the Colts on Christmas Eve. They're both Superbowl contenders, so it ought to be sweet! That's about it for now. Bye...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Another Day

I had what was a relatively normal day. I awoke with the typical amount of grogginess for a work week. Ahhh...only twenty six more years to go. Work, not waking up...hopefully! I got to lead worship for the college bible study that I've been helping with the past year. My friend and co-leader/leader Ben Bobeda spoke. He's been going through a study on spiritual disciplines. Tonight was humility, of which I pride myself in (har, har...), and confession. We had a great turn out. I think there were about twenty to twenty five people. Next week I get to teach on worship. So if anyone has any great suggestions, now's the time to pipe up.
Well, I best be I hear stiring in the house. Lata'.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Winter Wonderland

Well, we made it back in one piece. On the way up the mountain the 4x4 wouldn't engage and the back end was sliding all over. After realizing I needed to lock the front differential we were in business. About a mile from the summit we saw a crispy fried Subaru on the side of the road with a couple of State Troopers nearby. No more "blue flame" games on road trips for them! After loading the truck with snow, the bed not the cab, we had lunch at the lodge. There was a frenzy of activity with all the skiers and snowboarders around. Too bad we didn't bring a sled... Made it back to the house just fine. The kids enjoyed the snow and all was well.
Soon I'll be back to Oregon and work tomorrow. Ugghh! It doesn't hold the same appeal as it once did. Oh well, I must make the world go around.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Well, Lisa and I are off in search of the ever elusive snow. We'll play and have a jolly old time. We're going to load up the bed of my truck with mounds of white gold to bring back for her brother and sisters to play in. Fun! Update to follow...

Friday, December 02, 2005


This is new as of today, Dec. 2, and I'm hoping this will all pan out. Being technologically deficiant I will do my best to keep this a "tight ship". Postings will probably be bizarre and random at best. So buckle up and enjoy the ride!


Vacation started on Thanksgiving day. I've spent pretty much the whole time with Lisa's family. Wednesday I drove south and hung out with Jeff and the fam'. Yesterday and today I read Johnny G's most recent book The Broker. What a great book. Tuesday I finished off The Summons. It's been a regular Grisham fest this week. All in all it's been a very refresing time off. I'd forgotten how savory time off is.