Job Search

Well, I'm back after a bit of a sabbatical. I wasn't able to post anything last week due to driving massive amounts. After work on Friday I drove up to Bellevue and picked up Lisa for a Saturday afternoon trip back to Portland for Matt Wolf's bachelor party. Sunday night after the wedding we drove back up to Bellevue. Then on Monday evening I drove back to Salem. Good times. (I only tell you this to justify not posting anything!)
Yesterday I met with someone at Business Careers in Lynnwood. They're a job placement agency that helps with the old search-a-roo. They basically grilled me about my past job experiences, schooling and my future expectations. I'm not sure if she took me seriously when I told her I expected my yearly compensation to be at least 500K. I just thought she was laughing with me...oh...I wasn't laughing. Anyhoo...Lisa, the lady I met with, said she had three different ideas for me and would let me know on Monday if she can schedule an interview(s). I'd really apprecitate your prayers as this next week or so come around. Thanks for all your support!
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