18 Days
What better time to publish something than right now. My Internet usage has been slim to none the past month. (Not so you'd notice!) I finished my training and have been taking calls at work now. The first week and a half transitioning on to the phones I wanted to quit. My displeasure for it all went very deep. But, as fate would have it, I came around and am now starting to enjoy it more. I can see a great career there and hope I can make a positive difference on those around me.
Now, back to the header...I'm getting married in less than 3 weeks and it all feels so surreal! Lisa, her parents, my mom and I met this evening with the wedding planners/personages at the church where we're getting married. It was long and grueling, but we accomplished a lot. It just feels like it should be someone else and not me... Oh well. All you who are married probably know exactly how I'm feeling. No, I don't have buyer's remorse!
I talked to Derek tonight. He'll be driving over from Utah for the wedding. He, Jeremy and Jeff will be the monkeys in the line up. It'll be totally sweet! I'm looking forward to seeing some old friends. (Yeah, I'm talking about you Jeremy!) Good times. Can't wait to see all ya'll real soon. God bless!